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New things coming

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:37 pm
by ab5rm
Now that things are moving along, we are looking at new features. Since the by-laws require a members only forum, I asked Vince to go ahead and create one so that we can experiment and test it. There's actually some complications to this below the skin and it could take some time to implement. Only a couple officers can see it right now, and there is nothing posted on it at all. It's just there for 'educational' purposes. Look for it after the membership rush in March.

Secondly, the software package allows for a system of polling. Vince hasn't worked this out yet but he will. Polling might be useful if we have multiple venues for Field Day and we want to poll members as to their preferred location, or the Tuesday night dinner folks might want to know what the favorite restaurant is. I'm sure y'all can come up with other uses for this as well.