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Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:26 am
by kd5kxf
As most of you know, I love to go to Four Days in May at Dayton for the QRP ARCI event. Unfortunately, it often falls in with Shannons birthday. I did that once and missed her birthday and swore never again... so I have been missing my qrp convention fixes. This year, I decided to remedy that and am heading to Branson, MO for Oazrkon in the first weekend of April. The 4states qrp group puts that one on and they have a great buildathon, lots of prizes, speakers, a banquet... good times. I am then going to head up to Maine to Lobstercon in July. Rex Harper W1REX puts that on on with a bbq, and a lobster boil and the up all night swap table along with astronomy and buildathons and operating. It should be a lot of fun just getting there. I am flying cheap to Boston, taking the express bus to Portland and the Amtrak the rest of the way. It is still under half of what non stop to Portland is. Shannon likes Rex so she is actually going with me. Brave wife LOL. Look for pictures and a report in the newsletter as the events come up.

I am NOT presenting at HamCom this year so I will attend as a visitor. Hopefully I can go with some of you and have some fun there. Well... back to the debauchery... I am off this morning to go to the Dr. Woohoo :geek: