LAARK Contesting/Public Service Net

Public Service discussions such as RACES, ARES, Skywarn, etc.
Joined:Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:42 pm
LAARK Contesting/Public Service Net

Post by KC5DCT » Thu May 24, 2018 3:30 pm

The LAARK Contesting and Public Service net will take place the last Sunday of May, May 27, 2018, at 2000L. This net originates on the LAARK 220 repeater 224.00 with a standard offset and PL tone of 110.9. This repeater is also linked to the Rosston 220 repeater (KE5GDB) and the 220 repeater on Stark Hall (AF5RS).

Please forward to me any Public Service events your club will be participating in for June and the following months, and invite all your members to join this net. I am particularly interested to know if you will be providing HAM radio support to the Mesquite Rodeo Bike Ride.

The topic for this month's net will be "Contest Logging Software."

73 de KC5DCT

Tim Curtiss

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